It was here I thought things were looking up
after getting the land-lady to vacate the premises
so she could get paid rent...
I moved in to this property I must say I viewed
this house on a dark winters night.....
on second glances the house was bogging from top
to bottom, there was still pots in the sink, and what pots were not were covered in rust..
I then found out the washing-machine did not work....
I moved the bed out from the wall to be greeted
by a mountain of tissues, either snot rags or you know..
turned the mattress and in a brown covered bag
I found a book , not a mans book ,but a womans any way I left there as I was mortified she had not even moved this pornographic
material it was of no use to me a book full of men ...lmao
to put it mildly for a week and a half after I
had scrubbed upstairs and downstairs
the house was looking a bit fresher albeit the
decor , the cooker was needing replaced also
the furniture was stinking of dog hairs from the
owners dog...and other rubbish that had fallen down inside
after about 3 months the immersion heater packed
I also found out that there was hardly no sunlight
round the back, during the day
Then the hoover packed in,
the stair carpet was a liability...
I would like to point out that after three years
at this address while I was moving furniture and decorating my present house
the land -lady and her boy-friend crashed the door
in and gained entry, throwing some of my personal possessions, and things left by my grand-mother out as they gutted the house,
even after three years this woman took rent and never spent a penny on maintaining this house , yet even after persistent
complaining to council officials, commissioners, ombudsmen
this was allowed to go on
In only one month of my landlady gain access ,the
house was subsequently gutted gas central heating installed new kitchen , and new decor throughout
if your guessing who my landlady