I guess this is where my troubles start,
roughly around 1973/4/5 things are getting really bad at home since my dad has gone,not that he is
to blame ,as he has no idea what is happening at this address and W.kellichan
has installed himself as chief-bottle-washer, my mother is working at rowntrees-macintosh,
for a sweet-tooth
Kellichan is a rather violent man and at
times unpredictable, especially when he has been drinking, when at this time I am proficient at the age of 14 at making home-brew
ie 40 pints ready to drink, 40 pints ready to be bottled and finally a new kit to start the whole process again, including
4ib of sugar...
Weekends were the worst when the drinking
was at its worst, I sometimes wonder how I am still alive, the fear this man instilled in me at this age was phenomenal ,I
was constantly bed-wetting , and at times slept in a walkin-wardrobe to prevent the bed from being sodden albeit
the mattrass was no longer covered the
acid had perished all the fabric , no longer was anyone interested , despite frequent visits to doctors and social workers
no-one picked up on this mans violent behaviour towards my mother my sister and myself...
ie..fear and terror
On this ocassion something was going on in my mothers room and I wanted to intervene ,But kellichan came
out like a devil and I ran back to my bed AND listened to the orgy of violence in the room next-door , do not ask me what
was going down, all I can remember is everytime I shut my eyes ,
appeared at the foot of my bed , the only way I can confirm this is true is by naming the book I attempted
to read and shut out the sounds from next door this book is called
blue two ,bale out
at this point I am unable to remember the
authors name ,but I sure someone will know this book
this is only one occasion of many nights
of violence I witnessed at this address I suppose thats why I was farmed out to my auntie and uncles at
this I suppose was to stop me witnessing
anymore ,but after the night described I felt it hard to sleep under the same roof as kellichan
even to this day , I will not give this
man the time of day....as he is still abusing my mother even after 28 years it is still going on....
The Grim Reaper
to me was a sign to stay awake or else
I might not see the morning...I would like to point out that during the ages of 12 to 15 I was attending the christian fellowship
at west parish church sinclair drive
It was here that I found solace and guidance
that gave me the strength to carry on someone who would always be there , a friend who would always listen ,
someone to share a problem with
It was here I first experienced talking
in tongues
I suppose it is similar to chants of tribes
and communes throughout the world
reaching your innerself and expressing
in a form of communication that only the lord himself can understand, a gift we must treasure and not forget
as the 7th commandant states
there is only one god
he from above
Rev. Alexander. Shaw
note neither my father nor step-mother knew any of this was occurring and wont until they read it here
coming soon
vision no.2
auchtertool resevoir
my second vision is on a poaching trip
to auchtertool reservoir it is not much to write about except the fact I must have been about 14 years old.........anyhow
as we are fishing I hear a sound and then running and snorting...........heavy hoofs........and in the moonlight running up
a hill a silhouette of an animal I would have said it was either a cow or a bull.. but to me on after thought I see it as
sign to stay awake once more.......fearing the worst I crawled into my overnight sleeping bag and tried to shut it out of
my mind....needless to say you have to remember what is going on @ 27 hillcrest
the violence and aggression this man shows
me I know it is better to leave the house rather than stay under the same roof..........so this was one of the reasons I started
helping malky parkes deliver to the hospitals from woodend dairy..leaving the house at 1.15am to go round and get malky up...as
he lived in blamey crescent it was only a 10 minute walk from hillcrest....
the last straw for me @ 27 hillcrest was
one Monday evening I was returning from a week-end @ mike dicksons from pitcorthie..............as it was around 10.15pm I
open the front door and as it shut kellichan came down the stairs like a raging bull and preceded to lay into me , seemingly
I am getting the blame for breaking the needle on his music-centre, even though I have been out all week-end ,of course I
did not wait about I got out as fast as I could and went to jean wilsons who lived @ 31 hillcrest as I was shaking like a
leaf I asked her to phone the police and also could she phone my father.....sure enough 20 minutes later the police arrived
and went into the house..........by this time my father and my uncle george had arrived and were willing to give kellichan
a beating only the police had beaten them.........a few minutes later the police came out..........and informed me that my
mother would not testify........and that they could not charge kellichan..
and basically that was the last time I
was close to my mother 28 years on I am finally getting it down on paper and I am as distant from my mother as I was all those
years ago not through choice
this was not my mothers fault as I can
only say by this time the beatings she has suffered kellichan has put the fear of god in her also and still to this day he
continues to abuse my mother as pointed out early
temazepam and alcohol
once more I ask this question
from then on I would stay @ friends houses
when ever I could
I got detention a few months later @ least
I did not have to put up with this animal of a man.....for the relevant authorities kellichan wore a wig in his younger days
which made it quite easy for him to be two people
once more I ask the relevant authorities
has this animal had a
his last involvement with the police would
have been around 1975 when he was convicted and fined approx £900
now in 1975 that was a heavy fine so what
previous did this man have..........after being convicted of a killing myself and after self-analysis I then went on to analyse
kellichan without giving to much away here was a man that had a hunger for killing including pet dogs, neighbours rabbits.....and
on one occasion took me with him to go for lambs .......thank fuck we never got any not my cup of tea sorry my evil does not
go that far
kellichan had a job in rosyth dockyard
overhead crane-driver....a solitary job. with very little in the way of work and plenty time for thought...........
lets guess who he really is only a D.N.A
test would eliminate him then at least my mind would be settled, that he is not this person
I have seen this man in full flow and unlike
myself he is not a nice character....
28 garry park
to be up-dated