where the shit hits the
Queens Counsel After three days in Aviemore police cells I appeared at Inverness Sheriff Court, on a charge of attempted murder and was remanded in custody, two weeks ago I was a free man, happy go lucky and was supposed to be in Skye, and here I was facing the prospect of going to jail for a long time. I was going to be defended by Lord Mccauley, whom I was informed was the best in the country at the time.. Once all the depositions were accrued I had one meeting with my Q.C. Recreation in Porterfield prison usually consisits of watching tv or playing pool, during the evening I heard my name called and I was to go to the Governers office, should I wait and watch Wendy James of transvision vamp, strutting her stuff to " I want your love", suddenly my stomach, tightenened and crunched up. Once inside the office, I was introduced to a chief constable, and he informed me that at 4.20pm approx Mr. Coupers parents had switched the life support machine off and I was to be charged with Murder, mouth agape........ During my 110 day lie-down which is a fully commital I had one meeting with Lord Mccauley Q.C, his words were quote I have read the depositions and I have to advise you to plead Guilty to the said charge unquote. I am sorry but I read the depositions and there were numerous discrepancies throughout them. Where was this going, I had not intended to harm Mr.Couper, and yet he and Jim Cruickshanks were the agressors . My first night on a Murder charge I shit the bed nerves and fear had a grip of me, I was still reeling from Q.Cs quotes, I felt that he was not the right man for my case, and I went back and went over the depositions again. The Trial My second meeting with my Q.C was on the trial day, no other meetings were made, no discussions only two appointments for a murder trial, strange and inconsistent , I believe this man,s heart is not in this case, despite offering the crown of a plea of guilty to culpable homocide, they knocked it back, wanting me charged and convicted of murder. Three days the trial lasted and while I was down the cells waiting for the jury to deliberate their verdict, there was no point in fretting I was either getting a life sentence or what else was in store ? I reckon the jury were out for about 40 minutes approx this is where my fate lies now in their hands. Back in the dock awaiting their judgement, relief not guilty of murder , but guilty of the lesser charge culpable homocide, for a moment I thought I was walking as I had already gave the crown the the oppurtunity of a conviction on the lesser charge, why then did the judge give the jury the option of the lesser charge, I was charged with murder, and this was the charge I was found not guilty of. I was not given the option of saying anything before his lordship passed sentence, neither was there any background reports asked for before passing sentence, strange once more SENTENCED 10 YEARS with kind regards there was no defence because I was in shock and suffering from memory loss however after reading the first page you will see that Ian Couper , James Cruickshank, were the agressors, and last Gary Wilson whom was not even called to give evidence the blame partly lies at all these people yet not one prosecuted.
your time-line is
from the threat to the
actual blow
despite having at least
20 whiskies plus and covering
this distance in this time...
Im sure if Northern
Constabulary would release the photo they have that was taken approx 45 minutes
after, also I would like them to release the alcohol blood level count... we can safely
this was a superior
As for premeditation I had
no idea Ian Couper would be at the chip shop..that covers the premed accusation
for the defence...do you have time to think straight
emotion,fear, and loss
Answers please
10 cairngorm avenue what escapes me here is here at the time of the altercation these three main witnesses for the crown are all at the same address. Yet at the time of the trial they are all in different accomadation..making it look like three independant witnesses, yet when I explain I am left handed and the two police officers statements regarding the right hand is an open-handed movement proving there is no weapon in the right hand ....colloborating my own memory of events.. the sentence 10 years is where this address lies MCROBBIE 04
Despite James Cruickshank taking
the witness box
and on being questioned on
wether Ian Couper
and himself pursued the
accused after he had left the
locus with the dog
Mr Cruickshank replied that
they hadnt
this is strange, because
two not one
police officers witnessed
the now deceased and Mr. Cruickshank
chase after the accused.
If Mr.Cruickshank had nothing
to hide then he would have admitted that they did in fact pursue the
and that they did infact
threaten the accused with his life
and did proceed to take
the dog.
Mr.Cruickshank is both
guilty of perjury and of threatening behaviour towards the accused, putting the
accused in fear of his life and person.
The dog Gemma is in
legal terms
personal property of the accused
and as for the trial itself
is totally flawed
and is why I
hold the crown in contempt of court
the legal term being
" praemunire"
This applies to any
offence calculated to interfere with or cast contempt upon the perogative of the crown.
One of the chief
statutes of this name, intended to prevent the encroachments of papal power in England, was that
of Richard II (1392)
Force Majeure
For you latin buffs
Hoc Anno
Hoc Loco
Hoc Tempore
Hodie Mihi
Hoi Polloi
Hoc Genus Omne
Homo Homini Lupus
Homo sui juris
Homo Homini Lupus
Lapus Memoriae
laus Deo
Lex scripta
Lex tallonis
Locus standi
Lusus naturae
Magna est veritas et praevalet
Mal a' propos
Moto proprio
particeps criminis
per fas et nefas
pieno jure
primae facie
pro tempore
quod avertat Deus
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