Glenochil Prison I was informed I would be moving to Glenochil at last a prison that had far better facilities, compared to Porterfield, GLenochil is
a hotel with a decent gym and was closer for visits Prison no. 320/89 This prison was just getting back to normality, after the riots ,when the prisoners totally
wrecked the place, there were five of allocated to D-hall bottom flat names escape me but I can remember some, nicknames used
to protect the identities of the people I was going to spend a few years with..Kojak,steg, a guy from stirling the others escape for the time being. Glenochil was where I had had my initiation into the penal establishment,being sent to
the Detention Centre at the ripe age of 17 for car theft, this was in 1977 when the regime was rather brutal, I will explain
a little about the D.C. Firstly as soon as you walked into reception after being sentenced a smack in the mouth
was your welcoming gift, this was to let you know who was Boss. Then across the sterile area into the D.C itself which consisted of three wings A.B.C I was allocated C-wing, this was a scary place believe me.... regime... bedblocks, square bashing, parades,kit changes ie. three times a day physical education at its best not forgetting freddie the cricket bat. here at P.T you had to better your time everytime if not freddie was brought out no talking to any other prisoner no using your slop bucket inspection everyday and a chiefs or P.O. s inspection on a sunday wages basic grade 0.68p a week yellow grade .78p a week red grade 0.84p a week no smoking sitting with your arms folded at the visiting table, it escapes me ,why no-one has challenged
this as an infringement of their human rights, maybe it will come, who knows I may raise the argument myself. example on a saturday you spent it getting your room not cell ready for inspection, however on this occasion, I had
a dose of the trots and asked in the proper manner excuse me sir may I go for a sit-down sir Answer No. reply two minutes later Excuse me sir may I go for a shower sir YES you,ve guessed it I shit myself ,the whole bottom wing was rotten with the smell but I got a shower. Detention was known as the short sharp shock, and it was minimum was 8 weeks 5 days and a snap a snap being your last morning, if you were caught snapping your fingers a report followed by a remissional
deduction and down grade if you had a grade. Fortunately I only did the minimum, the maximum was 3 months. Then you progressed on to Borstal-Polmont not -applicable to me work parties in D.C were top shed scraping old glue off of disney badges or folding boxes
to hold etch_a_sketch nice bottom shed was chopping sticks or you could try for a cleaners job on the wing, alternatively you could try for a job in the kitchen which was handy as it let you off with P.T some times my dates for this are november 10th -1977- Jan 12th 1978 which I am certain will workout to 8 weeks 5 days and a snap january 12th was my mothers birthday ,but my step-father who was a vicious and callous
man had made it intolerable to stay there any more so I went and lived at my fathers in Crossgates Fife four miles from Cowdenbeath , here I managed to secure work with Bill-jackson a panel-beater
and spray-painter in Kelty, this was a short lived job, but I enjoyed my time there . From there I managed to get a job a factory, which made water-proof clothing JELTEK now
this is my kind of work place at least 250 women worked here. At last I had got an interview for a job in the coal-mines and started working in Castlehill-mine
by Oakley fife Here I managed to hold this job down for four years+ only a short spell in prison stopped me from going back.. I ended up in menstire, clackmannanshire, with a girl called Mandy Geddes, this relationship
was short lived to she played away from home.. I moved to Alva the next village along, and one week-end decided to go to Aviemore for
the week-end to-be-updated Glenochil work-parties I guess this is where the bulk of the prisoners spend their day....in the sheds as they are known 1.Joiners beats me why anyone wants to work here all you do all day is hit nails with a hammer, building sheds possibly for B.Q. who knows ? all I know is all that hammering would drive me nuts 2. Textiles more or less as factory last time I was in this shed they were making donkey jackets not for the coal-board they no longer exist.. now I could have worked here if it was full of women alas not to be... 3. vocational training here you can wallpapering and painting domestic repairs ie hoovers washing machines and lastly radio , tv video repairs where I did a six month course in electronics ie all these courses were city and guilds approved so at least you had something to show for all that time you were locked away... 4. Engineers Is that what its all about here I must have brazed together over 4000 post office trollies in a year, also there is welding and lots of grinding with angle grinders.. the noise again is tremendous 5. upholstery here you can learn how to build and repair furniture.. something I never felt the urge to do... 6. G.R.P. Now if the noise didnt kill you the smell of this shed would put you flat on your back...solvents is not my cup of tea... 7. The pool party here you do nothing and get paid nothing bar a basic wage.. although you can sit and play cards all day normally bella do this and do that.... 8. Bomb-Squad for those of you that do not know anything about prison, the bomb-squad is a party of men that go round outside the halls shovelling all the rubbish that is thrown out of the windows including you guessed shite-bombs personally I wouldnt sit on a toilet seat here so the norm is to get the old newspaper and parcel it up and hey out the window..... being on the bottom flat has its disadvantages as well as its advantages.. not for me the bomb-squad 9. halls consisting of the hall cleaners and pantry men not a lot to do here but its a cushy no....work finished for 9.45am the rest of the day do what you like with in reason of course....I guess that why I decided on kit pass mans job for my last 8 months up at 6am but normally finished at 9am albeit a few personal washes for fellow prisoners that possibly had a visit that day.. you like to look your best for visits as for some that is the only contact with the outside world... in here your a no.....and on the outside your no different...only the fence what no. your national insurance no. is no different from a government no.. knowing your exact location place of work basically when you had your last shit... so that covers employment in glenochil to come from dungavel we used to get taken to east kilbride swimming baths on a Saturday and Sunday from penninghame hill-walking glen trool let loose As my first year is coming to a close I find out my appeal is coming up so a day out to Edinburgh is called for... fuck me my appeal and the yugoslav hit-man decides he wants to appear at the same court....needless to say with the comments made by Lord.Mcauley that he felt his client was fortunate to escape the initial charge of murder , he sees no grounds for an appeal...if the right honourable gentleman had taken time to look into the case I would not have need to appeal in the first place.. with witnesses appearing in different locations at the initial trial jim cruickshank commiting perjury in the dock.... gary wilson not even called...not even my state of mind nor my alcohol level admitted at the trial nor the photograph taken in aviemore police station, possibly showing that you were lucky if I could stand never mind run 800yrds get a knife then return and stab someone all in 90seconds I somewhat doubt if I was capable of making a concious decision that evening.....now if I was drunk and incapable.. does that therefore mean I was drunk and incapable of making a rational thought. I am in receipt of a letter from northern constabulary regarding the authenticity of the evidence produced at the trial....along with the question as why did the two police officers which witnessed the deceased and j.cruickshank chase after me.. even when they have returned from the lane with the dog they failed to get off their arses and see what it was all about..... I do not blame them all I am saying is this could have been prevented not once but twice.... 30/06/04 all for today back tomorrow TJK if you have a story about your borstal days pre/1980
and would like it included on this site then please email mcrobbiemedia@tiscali.co.uk
preferably polmont"alley calley"
"Penninghame Prison" Newton Stewart
back to "Dungavel"
back to basics "Glenochil" July 4th 1994
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